E te credo che hai le idee piu confuse di prima, avrai fatto una ricerca google di 5 minuti e chissà cosa ne è uscito fuori, se ci aggiungi la tua scarsa capacità di elaborare le informazioni il gioco è fatto.
Hai sempre sognato di vivere in California? Gia che mi dici una cosa del genere, mi fai pensare che sei uno di quei bimbiminkia rincoglioniti dai telefilm e dai film hollywoodiani che non sanno distinguere le cartoline dalla realtà.
Ti hanno gia spiegato ottimamente che in USA non vogliono pezzenti, ma solo qualifiche altissime. Il mio professore di informatica del Politecnico ha lavorato per anni in California, ma è un professionista di livello mondiale nel settore dell'informatico, non un bimbominkia. Ora è il presidente del CEFRIEL, un ente di ricerca scientifica di importanza nazionale, vedi te.
Ma al di la di questo discorso, voglio smontare il mito della California con una risposta di un americano che li ci vive, non troppo volentieri, per vedere com'è la REALTÀ di cosa vuoldire vivere in CA, ben lontana dalle tue aspettative
(non ho voglia di tradurre, mi dispiace)
" I live in California we are closer to a dystopian state than anything else. We are overrun by illegal immigrants, highest tax rate in the country, real estate is through the roof, 60% of our taxes go to state pensions which continues to get worse every year. We are number one at one thing, prisons. We have more prisons than anywhere in the country and they are so over filled, the federal government is threatening to take control. We have the 2nd highest homeless rate in the country and the 5th highest murder rate. They added 12 cents a gallon tax onto our gas tax and about 20% onto our vehicle registration fees last year to raise 6 billion dollars to pay for our rotting infrastructure then have the balls to claim we have a 9 billion dollar surplus.
What about any of this says utopia?
We are so ******* PC you cant glance in someone's direction without getting called a racist or being metoo'd. College kids actually think they should have a safe space and protest anyone with a different point if view. It is sad, sad, sad. The sense of entitlement and victimhood runs deep.
Utopia is farm in Montana or a rural town in the south where people know their neighbors and genuinely care about each other. California is a big fucked up mess where everyone is an unhappy, protesting victim.
There is absolutely no sense of community, I mean none!! Most people can’t name three of their neighbors in SoCal.
We won the contest for the most agressive drivers in the country. Number one baby!! 45 minutes to get 5 miles round trip to go out to dinner but you have to drive because it is two hours by bus which is the only form of public transportation in LA. Total gridlock all the time.
I could on and on and on
This was a decent place when i was growing up. California just gets more crowded, more expensive and more dystopian every year.
I grew up here in a great neighborhood with wonderful neighbors and any hint of that had long gone.
I would say we rank about 45th out of 50th in terms of being close to utopian.
Our politics rank dead last. One party running amock pushing more government, over regulating and more taxes down our throats with promises that are just pipe dreams. Money goes right back into the pensions and the unions!!! All the while telling us it is improving our community they just need a little more, One more tax and it will fix everything!!! **Bullshit!!!**
I am ******* tired right now so sorry for the rant but I wish people would open their eyes and say enough is enough to our fucked up liberal politicians."